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Thu April 25, 2024
(Some Guy)
If you are going to frame your principal for using racist and antisemitic AI-generated impersonations behind closed doors, make sure you absolutely positively do not bring a gun to the airport with you while trying to flee
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(KTLA Los Angeles)
Felix Fischoeder's plan to build condos, recording studio, and nightclub begins initial phase
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(The Daily Beast)
Several ships managed to exit Baltimore harbor today without colliding with and destroying any bridges
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(History Channel)
On this day in history, in 1945, US and Russian armies met at Torgau, which signaled the imminent defeat of Nazi Germany and taught both sides how he took care of the place while Manos was away
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(KTLA Los Angeles)
First USC uninvited their valedictorian, then they uninvited all their honorees. Now USC has uninvited all of their graduates from graduation
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A lot of Nigerian prisoners are now huge Toto fans
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(WFSB Connecticut)
Your dog wants a makeover
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(Daily Star)
If you happen to lose all your money in a scam, it is not advised to make up for the lost funds by robbing a bank. Especially while drawing social security
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(Some Guy)
Photoshop this '70s fashionista
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(Everett Herald)
"You're not here to collect my DNA, right?" asked man whose DNA was being collected
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(Connecticut Post)
A stranger, from the outside, OOOOOOOOH
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(14 News Evansville)
Four year old becomes police officer for a day. Later he resisted a rest
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A voting initiative Farkers can all get behind: Free beer and taxi rides
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Big Ben stopping and blood-covered horses running through the streets of London? It's got to be the apocalypse
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(Some Aerial Guy)
Photoshop this beaming balloonist
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(Everett Herald)
♪ Drivin' on the dock of the bay, watchin' the cops and their pepper spray ♪
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(History Channel)
On this day in history, in 1945, President Truman was briefed on the Manhattan Project, a historic event only matched by the time President James Monroe was pantsed in the Oval Office or when Nixon had his thong pulled up over his head at Da Nang
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And we're out of coffee *panicked screaming*
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(National Today)
Today is National Lingerie Day, a day to celebrate the magic of how a simple article of clothing can become more expensive the less actual cloth it contains
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🎵 There was a young woman who swallowed a fly, which came in the coffee she wanted to buy. She nearly died 🎵
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(Daily Star)
World's biggest dick attacks alleged owner of UK's biggest dick (possible nsfw content on page)
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(NBC New York)
Long Island woman, 21, gets arrested for hitting and killing another driver while drunk, waits for police to respond and then jumps into cop car and attempts to flee. Clearly not a well thought out plan
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(Daily Star)
Slight error in parenting decision by pilot, all 75 on board die, but, man, was that fun (possible nsfw content on page)
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(Hawaii News Now)
Once a cop decides they're going to arrest you for DUI, you will be arrested, even if you blow 0.00 on the breathalyzer
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The flashers weren't sure they would reach the top of Big Daddy Dune, but decided they really should stick it out
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Caption these elite athletes
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'In the US they think we're communists' The 70,000 workers showing the world another way to earn a living. To be fair, US believes everyone else are communists when it comes to treating people like humans not machinery
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Get to farking, people. No, seriously. Also, commas matter
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Today's 2-hour serving of '80s alt/post-punk/new wave answers the question, "socalnewwaver, would you say you have a plethora of penguins?" Hear what commercial radio doesn't sound like on pastFORWARD #599. Starts @ 1:00PM ET, LGT streaming options
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Turns out there's some things that beer can't fix, and that's religion
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(Daily Star)
Mysterious orange orbs that have 'been spotted across world' now off UK coast eyeing up fugly Brits in their bathing suits (possible nsfw content on page)
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(Some Guy)
Abergavenny's unofficial superhero claims victory over villainous developers, still waiting on his cape and keys to the city
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(ABC News)
My names Toomaj Salehi and I'm here to say, I hate the death sentence in every way
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(Fox News)
Here kitty kitty kitty
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(International Business Times)
Aaaaaah, refreshing. Tastes like sh*t
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(Daily Mail)
Suddenly, panda attack
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Putin thinks it's okay when he does it, but not so cool when someone else does it to him
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If I'm reading this right, we just invented adamantium
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Fark NotNewsletter: TRUCK
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Harvey Weinstein gets off. This is sadly a repeat
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Not that global warming is close to being over, but we might be closer to changing course on climate change than we realized
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Photoshop a different outfit for Tammy
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(AP News)
Hush little Stormy, don't say a word. Trumpy's gonna make a giant turd. If that giant turd don't stink, Trumpy's little shroom is gonna shrink
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(NBC 2 Fort Myers)
Deadpool's reign of terror comes to an end
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(Some Guy)
Oh, Good Grief
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(WFLA Tampa Bay)
Forget Christmas Creep, now we have Hurricane Season Creep
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(The Kyiv Independent)
Day 792 of WW3. NATO starts major war games focusing on cyber defense. Mordor vetoes UN action prohibiting nukes in space. US "accidentally" sent 100 ATACMS to Ukraine last week. Oops. This is your Thursday Ukraine War thread, ANZAC Day edition
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Don Quixote and Sancho Panza seen getting the hell out of Paris
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(Baton Rouge Advocate)
Let me tell you how it will be, Malfeasance in office, two counts for me, Cause I'm the Taxman
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(CBS News)
Masked bandits rustle stolen rides, rob trains in California's Cajon Pass, get rounded up by local sheriff. Story not a repeat from 1864
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